Services provided at hospital are listed below. The staff are trained and oriented to this information.
Multi-Specialty services
- General Medicines.
- General Surgery.
- ENT.
- Anaesthesia.
- Pediatrics.
- Obstetrics & Gynaecology.
- Orthopedics & Orthopedic Surgery.
- Ophthamology.
- Dentistry.
- Radiology.
- Laboratory.
- Intensive Care Unit.
- Psychiatric.
- Skin & VD.
- Physiotherapy
- Morchery (Cold Storage Facility)
- Non-Communicable Disease (NCD) Clinic
- Tobacco Control Center
24 Hr Services
- Emergency Care Facility.
- Delivery facility.
- Ambulance.
- Pharmacy.
Special Services
- CT-Scan
- Tele-Medicine
- Tele-Radiology
24 Hr Services on Call
- Blood Bank.
- Laboratory.
- Imaging - (Digital X-Ray)
Additional Services
- ATM Machine 24X7.
- Dharmshala with hygienic kitchen (facilitating patients).
- Well maintained large parking space.